Farmland Assembly

Long-term investments for diversified portfolios

A safe long-term investment in one, or multiple, of Canadian Agra’s prime parcels of farmland has many advantages.
How it Works
Our large network enables us to collaborate with investors to select the right parcel of land that will suit your needs.
When growing your portfolio, we perform rigorous inspections of the land to ensure a secure, quality investment that aligns with your goals.

Canadian Agra’s portfolios offer flexible structures that are fully customizable. Whether to meet residency tax obligations, business objectives, or trust requirements, we work with investors to find the best structure that fits their investment needs.
To ensure a hassle-free investment, we offer full management of the land and opportunities to increase the acreage and grow the value of portfolio.
Farmland Assembly Portfolios
We ensure a hassle-free investment by fully managing the land and increasing the acreage in the portfolio.
Portfolios Provide

100% ownership

Total land rights

Full Decision-Making Power
We ensure a long-term and diversified investment that not only gives you direct exposure to farmland but also grows over time, increasing your ROI.